



アメリカンと付き合ってるまたは結婚してる女子って3パターンあると思わない?1.日本に馴染めない帰国子女2.若干派手めな外国人好き3.地味めな外国人好き2, 3は英語が上手いか下手かというサブカテゴリーがある。1に関してはリジーちゃんみたく、日本人なん…

Day 8

Hatena blog... sometimes you are so difficult to handle!Anyway, I got dunning and warning letter for tax.It’s depressing!!!I’m also super sleepy now.Am I able to make lunch for tomorrow?Fighting! Me!

Day 7

i thought I did post day 7 but I guess I did not.There are blogs which categorized as international relationships. I totally hate some of them but occasionally I see good blogs too.Those people who are domestic made and have not lived any …